The usability experts at Nielsen Norman Group (NNG) have identified "interaction cost" as a key measure of website usability. As NNG defines it, "interaction cost" is "the sum of efforts -- mental and physical -- that site visitors must deploy in interacting with a site in order to reach their goals."
As an example, when arriving at the homepage of a law firm website, does a visitor have to scroll or click to understand the key distinguishing characteristics of the firm - i.e., what makes the firm different and better than its competitors? Or is that information staring them in the face when they arrive?
Similarly, how many clicks does it take to, for example, secure information about key practice areas?
The key is to minimize the amount of effort visitors must expend to access the content they need to determine whether they want to contact your law firm.
Click here to read more about "interaction cost."
Our agency helps law firms identify high "interaction cost" and other usability issues affecting their website's performance (i.e., conversion of visitors into leads).
Click here to download a brochure about our law firm website audit service.
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