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November 05, 2014


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Virtual Marketing Officer

Joshua, Thanks for bringing further light on to this topic. You make valid points. In fact, two of your links point to both Kevin O'Keefe's blog and Kailee Goold's post on Ohio Legal Ethics, which were in response to an earlier conversation on this topic that I started on my blog in June 2014 -
As a content specialist for law firms, I write a variety of content, including blog posts, but I don't "author" any of it. And yes, in every case the lawyer/author reviews, revises or blesses it before it goes live. Works well for them. I can honestly say NONE of the ghosting I've done has been for lazy lawyers. As you point out, in fact it is just the opposite. Finally, voice is important. Many times when I write for lawyers I interview them on the topic. I take copious notes and listen to their voice. A good ghostwriter is able to pick up that tone and replicate it. After I published my post, I was frankly surprised that many responded negatively. I think if you ask those *busy* lawyers that use the services of a writer/editor, they would be very positive and not the least bit worried about the process violating any ethics. Just my experience...


Jayne - hi, thank you for your comment. I too was extremely surprised to see blog ghostwriting challenged as unethical. I'm usually able to see both sides of an argument, but here, honestly, I just cannot understand the logic of the other side given the pervasive utilization in the legal profession of junior colleagues to write judicial opinions, briefs, motions, articles, letters, etc. on which senior folks sign off.

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